Care Team Ministry
Care Team Ministry
Participants meet each Tuesday 10 a.m. at the church to discuss care giving concerns, pray, write cards, make phone calls, and plan visits to those in need of ministering.
Highland Court Apartments
Highland Court Apartments
The Pastor leads a Bible-Study for the residents of the Highland Court Apartments at 2:00 p.m. on the third Tuesday of each month.
Christmas Baskets
Christmas Baskets
Annually, Deer Park provides a Christmas Basket to about sixty families in the Highlands.
The music ministry of Deer Park Baptist Church has a long, rich history, centering first on the musical needs of worship. The Chancel Choir and the organ often take the primary role in leadership during Sunday morning worship services. Worship music covers a wide gamut of styles, according to the gifts of those who participate in it.
Highland Community Ministries
Highland Community Ministries
Deer Park helped form Highland Community Ministries with many other churches in the Highlands. It is an interfaith organization dedicated to supporting our neighbors and strengthening our Highlands community. By combining our resources and aligning our purpose, we build momentum toward positive change that affects us all.
Refugee Ministry
Refugee Ministry
Our church regularly sponsors refugees in cooperation with the Kentucky Refugee Ministries program in Louisville. Most recently we have sponsored and co-sponsored the resettlement of families from Syria Sudan and Myanmar. Church members assist in numerous practical ways including rental assistance, apartment set-up, transportation and stocking the food pantry.
Extreme Build
Extreme Build
Deer Park supports Extreme Build. Volunteers from churches all over Kentucky come to McCreary County in June to build a house in ten days. Sponsored by the Kentucky Baptist Fellowship, over 130 volunteers will construct a home to provide an affordable house for a family in need.
Debtor's Anonymous
Debtor's Anonymous
Debtors Anonymous is a 12-step fellowship of men and women who come together to solve common problems of compulsive debting. Weekly meetings are held on Sunday evenings from 6:30-7:30 p.m. at Deer Park Baptist Church (rear entrance) located on 1733 Bardstown Road. For more information debtorsanonymous.org
Other Community Ministry Connections
Deer Park Baptist Church
· Atherton High School – Christmas baskets;
· DePaul School – teachers appreciation luncheon; they use our parking lot as overflow during their events
· Highland Middle School – store Christmas boxes and coats in our building; contact
· Women’s NA group meets every Monday evening in our Fellowship Hall
· Farmer’s Market uses our side parking lot every Saturday morning
· Norton Hospital Mobile Mammogram Unit uses our parking lot for women to get screened
· Buechel Park Baptist Church garden ministry donates fresh vegetables to the Gathering attendees
· Highlands Community Ministry (HCM) Lenten lunches have been held in our Fellowship Hall during Lent for the community
· Highlands Mothers’ Club has a luncheon and meeting in our Centennial Hall
· We are a Disaster Relief site for the Red Cross
· We are a voting site for Jefferson County
· We provide gift baskets for the HCM yearly Empty Bowls event
· We donate food to the HCM food pantry and gift cards to their Christmas baskets
· We will be a site for the Kentucky Prescription Assistance Program
· Refugee Ministry – on-going partnership with Kentucky Refugee Ministries (twice a year)
· Hosted the HCM Tai Chi classes for several months
· Sack lunches and water available daily for those in need